Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Merck Manual

A definite must have book.
The book doctors refer to.
This handbook is really handy. Find out more about medicines, how they work, side-effects.
Increasingly as medicine is becoming more and more mercinary and the hospitals and diagnostic charges rising steeply, you need to know what's going on. Is that test Really necessary? Is that operation really advisable...

Though no replacement for a doctors experience and training... its better than nothing or wrong information.

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

[BookReview] How to Solve IT by Computer - Dromey

An excellent introduction to the Whys of algorithms and data-structures.

Features of the Book :

  • The Design Factors associated with problems
  • The Creative Process behind coming up with innovative solutions for Algorithms and Data structures
  • The Line of Reasoning behind the constraints, factors and the design choices made.

[BookReview] How to Solve IT!! by Gregory Polya

George Polya's '''How to Solve It''' suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem.

  • First, you have to ''understand the problem''.
  • After understanding, then ''make a plan''.
  • ''Carry out the plan''.
  • ''Look back'' on your work. How could it be done better?
His book contains a dictionary-style set of strategies, but is not a cook-book.