Tuesday, December 12, 2006

[BookReview] How to Solve IT by Computer - Dromey

An excellent introduction to the Whys of algorithms and data-structures.

Features of the Book :

  • The Design Factors associated with problems
  • The Creative Process behind coming up with innovative solutions for Algorithms and Data structures
  • The Line of Reasoning behind the constraints, factors and the design choices made.

[BookReview] How to Solve IT!! by Gregory Polya

George Polya's '''How to Solve It''' suggests the following steps when solving a mathematical problem.

  • First, you have to ''understand the problem''.
  • After understanding, then ''make a plan''.
  • ''Carry out the plan''.
  • ''Look back'' on your work. How could it be done better?
His book contains a dictionary-style set of strategies, but is not a cook-book.